The Fairy Ring Podcast
🍄 Digital Fairy Portal 🍄
Welcome to The Fairy Ring Podcast. Here, you will find meditative stories that take you to places fantastical and strange, poetic interviews, mythology, folklore, and other cosmic offerings. Together, let's enter our curiosity and find the magic within.
Podcasting since 2020 • 29 episodes
The Fairy Ring Podcast
Latest Episodes
Ch. 7 - Look at the Silver Lighthouse (w/ Sydney Vance)
In this last installment of The Fairy Ring Podcast, shift to a silver shore with a crystal lighthouse where bodies of shadow and light drink clouds and sea foam. At the top of the lighthouse, an angel waits to offer you a choice. 🌊🪽7:44...
Season 2
Episode 7
Ch. 6 - Temple of Violet Light
In this sixth chapter of the fairy ring, your body is transformed by the Goddess Isis into a creature who can swim and breathe deep within the ocean and explore an ancient underwater city. In a second-person narrative, you travel to the...
Season 2
Episode 6
Ch. 5 - The Blues of Wynk, Blynk, & Nod (w/ Kalyn McAlister)
In this fifth installment of the fairy ring, the cosmic greenhouse flies you to a lost underwater world. In a second-person narrative, you watched three ancient whale gods named Wynk, Blynk, and Nod (inspired by the poem, "Wynken, Blynken, and ...
Season 2
Episode 5

Ch. 4 - Cosmic Greenhouse
In this fourth installment of The Fairy Ring, the Goddess Isis travels with you in her cosmic greenhouse through the galaxy. In a second-person narrative, you help grow stars and planets with the Goddess and her mystical praying mantis, Comet.&...
Season 2
Episode 4
Ch. 3 - Yellow Desert Scorpion
In this third chapter of The Fairy Ring, you travel through a desert dreamscape and watch as the constellation Scorpius walks from the sky, over the moon, to meet you on the desert floor. In a second-person narrative, you are guided by Scorpius...
Season 2
Episode 3

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